Lubracane® analgesic is a soothing, clear, topical water based gel with a mild rapidly vanishing scent. It was developed by a Medical Doctor with the goal of treating his own patients whose lives were challenged by the pain of arthritis and musculoskeletal discomfort. It is made from a proprietary formulation that contains natural ingredients along with a very low concentration of menthol. The result is a quick drying, user friendly and effective topical pain reliever.

Where Does it Hurt?
** Lessen the Pain of Movement with Lubracane®
Lubracane® is indicated to temporarily relieve minor aches and pain of the various muscles and joints located throughout the body as the 3D models on the right demonstrate. This discomfort is often associated with arthritis and minor musculoskeletal injuries as the result of strains, sprains or bruises.
Lubracane® will work best by following the label directions, applying it frequently at first to break the chronic pain cycle which has been embedded into your body’s nerve endings as a result of persistent inflammation.
Compliance is Critical. If a patient doesn’t take a product on time and as directed it doesn’t matter how good it is. It may not achieve its potential therapeutic beneficial effect. In this case, maximizing your PAIN RELIEF.

Lubracane® analgesic was developed by a medical doctor and surgeon with a keen interest in the science and biology of wound healing. Lubracane® gel has the best chance of being effective if used as directed, frequently, when first applying. It works by engaging the TRMP8 channel receptors in the skin. This in turn activates the ‘counter irritant’ effect which causes the brain to ignore the more powerful deeper painful stimulus in the underlying joint or musculotendinous unit affording the user temporary relief.
Joints, be it the hinge of a cabinet door, or the more complex arrangement of muscles, tendon, bone and cartilage of your body, begin to wear out with extended use. Couple that with the active life style of middle aged and senior citizens who are living longer, and its little wonder more people are experiencing joint pain and arthritis with advancing age.
This is typically common in weight bearing joints, like the hip, knee and spine, but even more so in people who may also be overweight. Over time this leads to joint degeneration, inflammation and the telltale signs and symptoms of arthritis: pain, swelling, along with joint stiffness and limited mobility.
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Frequently asked questions
How soon after application should I feel relief?
The tolerance to pain is due to many factors and varies by individual. However many patients can expect to experience some relief within several minutes of the first application. Chronic pain is more difficult to treat because the pain cycle pattern has been established between the brain and the body. Under these circumstances it may take several days before its effect may be felt. New, undiagnosed, persistent or worsening pain should always be a reason to seek medical attention.
How often should Lubracane® analgesic be applied?
When first trying Lubracane® gel, it is recommended to apply it frequently within the first hour (2-3 times), and up to 6 times a day for the first couple of days. Thereafter, once Lubracane® gel begins to take effect, the frequency can be lowered and adjusted as needed.
How much Lubracane® gel should be applied?
Lubracane® analgesic is thought to be safe even if liberally applied. Most patients can apply as little as ½ inch to cover an area encompassing 3-4 inches in circumference. Just gently massage the affected site for a few seconds leaving a moist thin layer which dries as it absorbs quickly.
Can Lubracane® analgesic work with other regimens I use for pain relief ?
In general, Lubracane® analgesic is considered safe and can be an effective part of any medical regimen you find therapeutically successful. However, because Lubracane® analgesic can alter your appreciation of temperature changes, it should not be applied concurrently with either an ice or cold pack, or a hot pack to the skin, as this could accidentally result in underlying tissue injury. That said, many people have brought the gel along to enhance a massage or complement a chiropractic or physical therapy session in consultation with their therapist.
How does Lubracane® analgesic differ from other Mentholated topical analgesics ?
Lubracane® analgesic is made from the finest USP grade ingredients, which are GRAS (generally recognized as safe) in a FDA approved GMP facility here in the United States. Furthermore, it contains one of the lowest concentration of any OTC mentholated product on the market. As a result there is no lingering odor left on your skin as the scent quickly vanishes following application. Whats more, being a hydrogel its water based, so its clear, non greasy and soothing to the touch.
How does it differ from the NSAID’s?
The NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a group of medications that can have wide reaching and sometimes serious side effects. Lubracane® analgesic does not contain any opiates or Non-steroidal anti inflammatory compounds and can be purchased without a prescription.
When should I see a medical doctor?
A consultation with a physician is recommended for any new onset of pain that has not been previously diagnosed. Certainly, if your pain worsens or does not go away after 3 days, a physician’s advice should be sought.
Who should use Lubracane® analgesic?
As with many products, Lubracane® analgesic is not recommended for children under the age of 12. Lubracane® gel should also not be used by pregnant or lactating women, or by women anticipating or wishing to become pregnant. Otherwise, Lubracane® analgesic can be used by adults of any age, it truly is a trans generational product, from teenagers and adults who workout at the gym, to yoga participants to retirees who engage in athletic pursuits such as golf, swimming or jogging.
What time of day should I use Lubracane® gel?
Lubracane® gel can be applied any time during the day, or at bedtime. It can also be utilized before, during or after a workout or any physical activity.
What if I have a skin condition or allergy should I take Lubracane® analgesic?
In general do not take Lubracane® gel if you’re allergic to any of its ingredients. If questions persist because you have a skin disease or condition consult a dermatologist or your physician before using.
How should Lubracane® gel be stored?
Ideally, Lubracane® analgesic should be stored at room temperature, 68-74° F. Do not freeze Lubracane® gel or expose it to direct sunlight. When not in use Lubracane® analgesic should be capped and placed away from young children.
If you have a question, comment or concern about this product, email us at

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